turning three

November was such a great month. For starters, we celebrated our three year anniversary. This one feels different than the other two and I’m excited to see where this year will take us. I find marriage to be a constant choice of commitment. Sometimes it’s as easy as breathing and sometimes it feels vastly complicated […]

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here in september

This man right here loves me so well. He patiently listens, holds me when I’m upset, and makes me laugh when I take things too seriously. His encouragement means everything. The past month has been filled with nights of us both arriving home and him cooking while I used too many words to try and […]

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the present

  Two weeks on the other side of intern year and it still feels like Christmas. We have never shared so much time together. Last Sunday afternoon it rained and we made trips to do laundry and then planted a little garden on our front porch. Pure magic. We have conversations that aren’t hurried. It […]

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local coffee

I shared this on Instagram a few days ago, but I loved the moment so much I had to put it here too. A stranger nervously asked if he could take our photo with his new camera he was playing around with. And then in a moment of complete kindness he took one for us […]

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I won’t forget

Dear San Antonio, You weren’t what I expected. I had ideas in my head and very few of them happened. But what did happen was even better than what I had hoped. I experienced community in a different light. I completely enjoyed living in our apartment and having daily chats with our neighbors and their pets. We spent most of […]

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one more month

It’s a dirty hair in a bun-shovel in cold pasta from the fridge-get it done sort of day. It feels like a winner though because this has also included an hour and a half chat with my parents which was just the best. Among the phone calls and other activities one is responsible for when approaching […]

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better together

We are on the countdown to finishing this year. I used to think of New Years as the starting point for a new season, but July 1 now feels even more significant. It feels as if we are leaning into the final turn. Next week will hopefully be the curve that finally lets us see the […]

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my beloved

I have found the one whom my soul loves.  Song of Solomon 3:4 I promised Garrett my heart. It seemed simplistic at the time. Of course, it was already his. What I didn’t know in that moment is how much more I would fall in love with him. I had only begun to catch glimpses of the challenges that lay […]

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slow like sunday

I want to remember last week because it was hard. Obviously it wasn’t Syrian Refugee hard but it was a tricky beast nonetheless. It was one of those weeks that felt like we started off on the wrong foot.  The feeling of imbalance made me want to begin again and it was only Monday at that point. Sometimes the only way […]

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