one more month

It’s a dirty hair in a bun-shovel in cold pasta from the fridge-get it done sort of day. It feels like a winner though because this has also included an hour and a half chat with my parents which was just the best. Among the phone calls and other activities one is responsible for when approaching a move, there has been a couple of delicious cups of coffee and I scrubbed down the bathroom, which means I am functioning at super hero level.

I have a lot I would like to say, but more feelings than words at this point. It’s been very therapeutic to start packing away mementos. There’s something really special and melancholy about wrapping up your favorite items. I have been taking photos off the fridge, trimming down our plants, and packing away our books.  It’s all really good and I want to take the opportunity to feel it all. I feel so lucky and blessed and happy and excited and a little scared. But the good kind of scared, the kind that happens when you know you’re about to have to grow and change in ways you otherwise might not choose to. This season is ending and I find a lot of simple little joys in telling it a proper goodbye. One more month and we move to New Orleans. Oh yes, it’s officially official now. As in my husband is so smart and such a hard worker and I am so proud of him and thank you Jesus we have a job and a new chapter of our story right around the corner. I told you, all the feelings.

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