meeting thirty

Next week is my birthday and I turn thirty-one. To be honest, it feels just right. Initially, I was a bit unsure of how I would get along with this new decade of life. My twenties were good but it took a couple of years to get into the full swing of them. I have to tell you, thirty and I have gotten along splendidly so far. It’s a lot like being friends with someone who on a regular basis tells you that you are okay and laughs at your jokes. It’s real nice.

Thirty reminds me to speak kindly to myself. She brings to mind the funniest stories that reinforce the importance of not taking life too seriously. She’s an honest one for sure, there is no cutting corners with this gal around. She will tell me to act my age in a New York minute.

She says the smartest things that I have heard my whole life but sometimes only now feel like I am beginning to understand what they really mean.

She patiently holds my hand and reminds me that we only have today. Sometimes that might be settling in and getting the job done. Other times it might be forgetting the dirty dishes and sitting down to drink a cup of tea with my love.

She tells me to be unapologetic for being human. It’s my job to take care of myself and there is no need to belittle it. I am no good to anyone else if I am a mess.

She reminds me that yes and no are two of the most powerful words in my vocabulary and must be used slowly and wisely.

She says to be kind and to show grace but also not to be afraid to let people earn my trust.

She knows a good portion of listening actually comes down to watching or hearing how people say things.

She tells me to slow down. It’s annoying sometimes, but I am always glad when I do.

She says to watch how people live far more than to listen to what they say to do.

She often whispers, “Is this a problem or a privilege?”

She laughs at me when I make mistakes and says that’s one way to learn it.

She tells me I’m beautiful and then suggests I go tell someone else the same thing.

She tells me to trust my gut but to be humble about it.

She reminds me that there is usually more than one solution to a problem.

Sometimes we don’t even exchange any words, but I remember to take a deep breath and this changes me which in turn changes everything. The truth is, Thirty looks a lot like the person I want to become and having her around is the best influence.

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